“It's a growing market”
One important element of achieving the climate goals will be to massively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It will also be necessary to have procedures for extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. What are the BECCS and DAC technologies currently capable of?
Why protecting wetlands is crucial for climate protection
They take up only small areas of land, but the amount of carbon they store is enormous: Wetlands can help us tackle climate change, if we change the way we treat them.
A race to the bottom
With its plans to classify nuclear energy and natural gas as eco-friendly technologies, the EU Commission will weaken environmental standards. A wrong step in the international taxonomy.
Commentary from Reimund Schwarze
What parts of the climate system could tip over 2 °C?
Climate change could cause massive changes to the Earth system. Precisely when critical tipping points will be reached is difficult to predict – but with rising temperatures, we can expect increasingly uncontrollable consequences. What will happen if we fail to achieve the 2 °C climate target of the Paris Agreement?
The danger of climate tipping points – even below 2 degrees
The risk of passing dangerous tipping points in the climate system rises with every tenth of a degree of global warming. Climate change threatens ecosystems, vital natural cycles and the well-being of future generations. What path are we on, and why is it so important to strive for ambitious climate targets?
Tipping points in the climate system
The more global temperatures rise, the greater the danger that individual elements of the climate system could tip. What tipping points are we currently heading toward? What would that mean for life on Earth? And what can we do about it?
Stone on stone, fungus, or wood?
Cities are growing all over the world, and climate change is exacerbating the respective conditions for human life. Researchers are developing materials, methods, and concepts to facilitate safe and healthy living arrangements in the future as well as climate-friendly construction.
White Christmas – A Thing of the Past?
Germany seldom has the pleasure of a truly white Christmas. Climate change, however, could make such a treat even more rare. Through modeled scenarios, AWI climate researcher Helge Goessling shows what climate protection can offer.
Tips for climate-friendly Christmas
How can we make Christmas sustainable?