Algen auf dem Meeresboden

Ensuring responsible research on ocean-based CO2 removal

Attention to ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods is growing fast. While many questions, including environmental and social risks, still need to be assessed, research on ocean-based CDR should be conducted in a safe and responsible way, says David Keller, senior scientist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.

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Straße die durch Bäume geht.

New Ways to CO2 Neutrality at a Glance

Over the past two years, the Helmholtz Climate Initiative's Net-Zero-2050 project has scientifically investigated and evaluated strategies and new paths concerning the German framework for CO2 neutrality. One of the results is a web atlas intended to drive the public and political debate on CO₂ neutrality at various levels.

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Luftaufnahme von einem Wohngebiet einer Kleinstadt

Die klimaneutrale Kommune

Mit neuen finanziellen Hilfen will der Bund Städten und Gemeinden den Weg zu null Emissionen einfacher machen. Doch wie kann der konkret aussehen? 

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Hydrogen storage (concept image) H2

Energy storage of the future

Hydrogen is considered one of the great hopes for a climate-neutral energy supply in the future. The catch is that a great deal of energy and space is still needed for its production and storage. Researchers at the Helmholtz Climate Initiative are investigating how the energy carrier can be stored in a more climate-friendly, cost-effective and space-saving way.

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kleiner orangener Seestern in einer Seegraswiese

“We found unexpected blue carbon hotspots”

About one quarter of the emissions we emit every year end up in our oceans. Seagrass meadows near the coast play a role that has so far been underestimated: they absorb a lot of carbon dioxide, more than previously expected. Angela Stevenson from GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel researches seagrass meadows in the German Baltic Sea. The first results are now available.

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Rund 739 Millionen Tonnen Treibhausgasemissionen verzeichnet das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) für Deutschland im Jahr 2020.

Fewer greenhouse gas emissions in Germany

The German Environment Agency recorded some 739 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions for Germany in 2020, which is around 8.7 percent less than in the previous year. For the first time, the German Environment Agency has presented its emissions data to the German government in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Climate Change Act.

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Verschiedener Blechdosen sind gefüllt mit Scheren, Besteck und Blumen

Nearly 400 pages for a sustainable world

Quality education, gender equality, no poverty, climate action—these are four of the 17 total Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. Helping achieving these goals is a key objective of the German government, and Germany’s National Sustainable Development Strategy provides the blueprint for this undertaking.

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Further news from Helmholtz


HySPRINT Photovoltaics Lab inaugurated

After around four years of renovation, photovoltaics research groups moved into their offices in Kekuléstraße on 20 June 2024. With the reopening, the building has also been given a new name that…
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Watching indium phosphide at work

Indium phosphide is a versatile semiconductor. The material can be used for solar cells, for hydrogen production and even for quantum computers – and with record-breaking efficiency. However, little…
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