
werkintegrierte Photovoltaik auf denkmalgeschütztem Gebäude

Photovoltaics and listed buildings do not have to be mutually exclusive

Installing photovoltaic systems on listed buildings helps fight climate change by generating energy sustainably and reducing CO2 emissions. In this interview, Niklas Albinius from the Consultancy Office for Building-Integrated Photovoltaics at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin tells us what does not have to be considered when installing them.

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View of the room during the opening plenary IPCC-59

New leadership for the IPCC

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) has elected its new Bureau. Jim Skea, a British scientist and expert on renewable energies, will lead the seventh assessment report as the new IPCC Chair.

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Blick auf die offene Nordsee

Storing CO₂ under the North Sea: opportunities and risks

Storing carbon dioxide under the North Sea can help to reduce unavoidable emissions in Germany. The environmental risks posed by this process can be minimized with suitable regulation, according to Klaus Wallmann of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel.

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grüne Transformation

Planetary boundaries: With justice it gets even tighter

With its increasingly negative impact on the environment, humankind is endangering its own safe life on Earth. According to a recent study, seven of the eight boundaries of the earth's regulatory capacity have already been crossed. According to researchers, a just global transformation is urgently required in order to safeguard human well-being on the planet.

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Sonnenuntergang am Meer

Red alert: Record-high ocean temperatures

Our most important natural climate control system is in danger: The oceans are heating up more intensely and rapidly than ever before. In addition, this year could see the El Niño weather phenomenon – with potentially severe consequences for humans and ecosystems.

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Permafrost Abfall

Poisonous permafrost legacy

Not only is Arctic permafrost a carbon sink, it also stores pollutants from industrial activity. Researchers warn that such pollutants can be released when the permafrost thaws, threatening people and ecosystems.

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Ein Langstock auf taktilem Bodenleitsystem

Why climate change is especially hard on people with disabilities

May 5 is a European day of protest for the equality of people with disabilities, an issue that is also relevant in the context of climate change. Although they are particularly hard-hit by the effects of climate change, people with disabilities are systematically ignored in climate policy, whereas they really ought to be included more and protected better. The situation could be improved with acce

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A cycle for plastics

Pollution and mountains of garbage: Plastic trash is a severe problem. But since it is hard to imagine life without plastics, researchers are looking for ways to deal with them more sustainably.

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Charles Michel (l-r), Präsident des Europäischen Rates, Mario Draghi, Ministerpräsident von Italien, Justin Trudeau, Premierminister von Kanada, Emmanuel Macron, Präsident von Frankreich, Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) , Joe Biden, Präsident der USA, Boris Johnson, Premierminister von Großbritannien, Fumio Kishida, Premierminister von Japan, und Ursula von der Leyen, Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission (EU), stehen beim Familienfoto während des G7-Gipfels auf Schloss Elmau zusammen.

Climate action in the G7: an exclusive climate club for all

Despite some progress in recent years, global efforts to combat climate change are making slow progress. For some time, it has been clear in international climate diplomacy that small groups of a few negotiating states are becoming increasingly important. The new G7 climate club has a lot of potential for fighting climate change, but it is questionable whether this idea will gain acceptance.

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