Algen auf dem Meeresboden

Ensuring responsible research on ocean-based CO2 removal

Attention to ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods is growing fast. While many questions, including environmental and social risks, still need to be assessed, research on ocean-based CDR should be conducted in a safe and responsible way, says David Keller, senior scientist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.

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Schornsteine mit Rauch

Carbon dioxide removal as a building block of German climate policy

In order to achieve the Paris climate targets, greenhouse gas emissions must be massively reduced. In addition, CO2 that has already been emitted must be removed from the atmosphere. Scientists at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ have set out definitions and principles for CO2 removal in a paper.

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Lessons for the future

Paleoclimatologists investigate the climate of the past. Not only does that help us understand Earth’s history, it also tells us something about our planet’s future.

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Forscher Dr. Tristan Petit in der Experimentierhalle von BESSY II

HZB makes progress towards greenhouse gas neutrality by 2035

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) has committed to achieving greenhouse gas neutrality by 2035. To find its main emission sources, it determined its greenhouse gas footprint and had it verified by an external organization. In our interview, Carina Hanke, climate and energy manager at HZB, tells about the project’s challenges and results.

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Laughing Gas’ Role in Climate Change

Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas – nitrous oxide also has a particularly strong effect. Its concentration in the atmosphere has been increasing for decades. This increase is due to the use of nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture, among other causes.

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Luftaufnahme der Solarmodule in Kamianka, Ukraine

Green reconstruction of Ukraine

As a candidate for EU membership, Ukraine has to initiate a series of reforms and develop a reconstruction plan in the midst of the Russian war of aggression. A German-Ukrainian-Polish project aims to help make Ukraine’s climate and energy policies fit for EU accession.

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Bauer hält frisches Gemüse in einem Korb

What does our food have to do with climate change?

Our food system puts considerable strain on the environment. Food production is one of the most significant causes of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, yet up to 40 percent of all foodstuffs ultimately land in the trash. A mindful diet can contribute to climate protection and promote our health.

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Ein Industriekomplex mit Rauch

CO2 capture and geological storage: opportunities outweigh risks

In Germany, technologies for capturing carbon dioxide and storing it underground (CCS) have been investigated and tested in pilot projects. Christoph Hilgers and Frank Schilling from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) argue that the nation's legal framework must be changed in order to implement industrial-scale projects.

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Further news from Helmholtz


HySPRINT Photovoltaics Lab inaugurated

After around four years of renovation, photovoltaics research groups moved into their offices in Kekuléstraße on 20 June 2024. With the reopening, the building has also been given a new name that…
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