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The Helmholtz Association is the largest scientific organization in Germany. Every day, the 18 Helmholtz Centers dedicate themselves to the big questions of our time. They are characterized by their interdisciplinarity, excellent research and unique infrastructure. 46,000 employees work on the world of tomorrow in six thematic areas (Energy, Earth & Environment, Health, Information, Aeronautics, Space & Transport and Matter).

Die sechs Forschungsbereiche der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft in Fotos
Die sechs Forschungsbereiche der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft in Fotos

Climate change is presenting our society with increasingly complex issues that require new interdisciplinary approaches. To this end, all 18 Helmholtz Centers are developing science-based solutions to varying degrees. Helmholtz KLIMA compiles this knowledge and connects experts in different areas of society.