The Helmholtz KLIMA team

Portrait Caroline Wichmann
Portrait Caroline Wichmann
Portrait Caroline Wichmann
David Ausserhofer
Caroline Wichmann
Head of Helmholtz KLIMA

E-mail: caroline.wichmann(at)
Mobile: +49 173 57 12 318

Portraitfoto Timon Graf
Portraitfoto Timon Graf
Portrait Timon Graf
David Ausserhofer
Timon Graf
Scientific officer and coordinator

E-mail: timon.graf(at)
Mobile: +49 176 21 63 819

Portraitfoto Frederike Enders
Portraitfoto Frederike Enders
Portrait Frederike Enders
David Ausserhofer
Frederike Enders
Political communication and scientific dialogue

E-mail: frederike.enders(at)
Mobile: +49 152 59 52 12 11

Portraitfoto Laura Marie Garbe
Portraitfoto Laura Marie Garbe
Portrait Laura Marie Garbe
David Ausserhofer
Laura Marie Garbe
Science communication manager

E-mail: lauramarie.garbe(at)
Mobile: +49 152 59 22 06 67

Portraitfoto Kerstin Podere
Portraitfoto Kerstin Podere
Portrait Kerstin Podere
David Ausserhofer
Kerstin Podere
Political communication and scientific dialogue

E-mail: kerstin.podere(at)
Mobile: +49 152 59 51 60 74

Portraitfoto Anne Schilling
Portraitfoto Anne Schilling
Portrait Anne Schilling
David Ausserhofer
Anne Schilling
Science communication and coordination

E-mail: anne.schilling(at)
Mobile: +49 152 09 59 40 47

Portraitfoto Sébastien Vannier
Portraitfoto Sébastien Vannier
Portrait Sébastien Vannier
David Ausserhofer
Sébastien Vannier
Political communication and scientific dialogue

E-mail: sebastien.vannier(at)
Mobile: +49 152 59 14 59 15

Portrait Komila Nabiyeva
Porträt Komila Nabiyeva
Portrait Komila Nabiyeva
Heidi Scherm
Komila Nabiyeva
Science communication manager

~ currently absent ~

E-mail: komila.nabiyeva(at)
Mobile: +49 173 58 30 511