Completed Projects
The Initiative
The Helmholtz Climate Initiative has the scientific clusters Net Zero 2050 (mitigation) and Adapting to Extreme Events (adaptation) as well as a separate cluster communication:

Limiting the rise of the global mean temperature to below 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to preindustrial levels is fundamentally possible. However, it will require rapid and consistent reductions in emissions. In the Net Zero 2050 (mitigation) cluster, four research projects focus on finding ways to bring about such emission reductions. Another aim is to research possibilities of extracting carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere to achieve what is known as negative emissions, for example through reforestation, rewetting bogs, or technical processes.

The global mean temperature has already risen by 1.1 degrees Celsius compared to the preindustrial age. Despite all efforts being made to reduce emissions, this warming will continue or persist for a long time to come and entail many changes for our lives, including with regard to our health, urban planning and development, and our mobility. In a total of nine projects, the Adapting to Extreme Events (adaptation) cluster researches what exactly these changes may mean for us. The results will simulate or model future scenarios. These insights will provide stakeholders and decision-makers with a new basis on which to take action.

The 13 projects of the Helmholtz Climate Initiative provide important and up-to-date insights into how politics and society can deal with the major challenges posed by climate change. Here you can find the current publications of the two scientific focal points "Mitigation" and "Adaptation". View Publications.

The "Communication" cluster aims at people from various societal areas for an active exchange. On the one hand, it exclusively shows the results of the initiative and the current status of further climate research at Helmholtz. On the other hand, it offers comprehensive information on climate change beyond the initiative. The current status of climate science is presented here, for example, in factsheets, infographics, articles or videos. An expert placement establishes direct contact with experts and an FAQ answers frequently asked questions.