Helmholtz Climate Initiative
Climate research is a major focus of the Helmholtz Association. In order to pool this expertise and make it accessible in a profound and comprehensible way, the Helmholtz Climate Initiative was launched in 2019.
As part of the Initiative, scientists from 15 Helmholtz Centers are jointly developing strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to unavoidable climate impacts – primarily focusing on Germany. The Initiative is concentrating on the key areas of “Net-Zero-2050” (mitigation cluster) and “Adaptation to Extreme Events” (adaptation cluster).
Knowledge acquired by the Helmholtz Climate Initiative is disseminated to politics, industry, the media, and the interested public (communication cluster). The Initiative's projects from Phase I can be found here, while current projects running until the end of 2024 can be viewed here.
Management and coordination
Sabine Attinger
Sceintific Head of Cluster Adaptation
Daniela Jacob
Scientific Head of Cluster Mitigation
Andreas Marx
Scientific Coordinator, Adaptation
Fiona Köhnke
Scientific Coordinator, Mitigation
Structure and Management

In total, 15 of the 18 Helmholtz Centers are involved in the Helmholtz Climate Initiative.