Carbon dioxide, also known as CO2, is a chemical compound of carbon and oxygen and is the most important and best-known greenhouse gas.
CO2 is a colorless and odorless gas that occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It accounts for around 80 percent of human-made greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 is produced naturally by the cellular respiration of living organisms, but is also caused by humans - for example, when fossil fuels are burned. Fossil fuels include coal, oil and gas.
Carbon dioxide contributes to the fact that some of the sun's energy is not fully re-radiated. This leads to global warming. It is therefore important to take measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Alternative, more climate-friendly energy sources can play a role here. In addition to the expansion of natural carbon sinks such as forests or moors, technical processes can also help to achieve defined climate targets. Find out more in our factsheet.