Algen auf dem Meeresboden

Ensuring responsible research on ocean-based CO2 removal

Attention to ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods is growing fast. While many questions, including environmental and social risks, still need to be assessed, research on ocean-based CDR should be conducted in a safe and responsible way, says David Keller, senior scientist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.

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Ocean swirl

How do ocean eddies affect the weather?

Global ocean currents have a significant influence on our global weather and the climate. In particular medium-sized ocean eddies – so-called mesoscale eddies of up to 40 kilometers length – appear to have a significant influence on ocean circulation and thus on our temperatures. Climate scientists led by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) therefore developed a method to better estimate the influe

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Ein Langstock auf taktilem Bodenleitsystem

Why climate change is especially hard on people with disabilities

May 5 is a European day of protest for the equality of people with disabilities, an issue that is also relevant in the context of climate change. Although they are particularly hard-hit by the effects of climate change, people with disabilities are systematically ignored in climate policy, whereas they really ought to be included more and protected better. The situation could be improved with acce

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A cycle for plastics

Pollution and mountains of garbage: Plastic trash is a severe problem. But since it is hard to imagine life without plastics, researchers are looking for ways to deal with them more sustainably.

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Eine Gruppe von vier Pinguinen geht über eine mit eisbedeckte Landschaft.

Prospects for penguins in times of climate change

Penguin populations have been decreasing for years because of environmental and marine pollution and climate change. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), five of the world’s 18 penguin species are endangered. The populations of 12 species have been decreasing for decades, in some cases by 50 to 80 percent.

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Ein Vogel sitzt auf einem Zweig und hat ein Insekt im Schnabel

Thinking together what belongs together: biodiversity and climate

Biodiversity and climate are closely interrelated. On the one hand, biodiversity plays a key role in ensuring that we live in a stable climate and that vital cycles function; on the other hand, changing temperatures have an impact on animal and plant species. How can climate protection and nature conservation be thought together?

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Further news from Helmholtz


The future of BESSY

At the end of February 2024, a team at HZB published an article in Synchrotron Radiation News (SRN). They describe the next development goals for the light source as well as the BESSY II+ upgrade…
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