Regional Climate Offices of the Helmholtz Association

Although climate change is a global challenge, it influences every region differently. The Helmholtz Association established a nationwide network of four regional climate offices to pool and communicate research results on regional climate change. Furthermore, they ascertain the information needs of different stakeholders, which are then integrated into the research programs. The underlying idea: farmers, coastal engineers, urban planners, and even decision-makers from politics and business need first-hand information in order to prepare for climate change in their region.


Schriftzug Klimabüro für Polargebiete und Meeresspiegelanstieg
Schriftzug Klimabüro für Polargebiete und Meeresspiegelanstieg

The Climate Office for Polar Regions and Sea Level Rise at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) is the contact for questions on climate change in polar regions and sea level rise.

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Schriftzug Mitteldeutsches Klimabüro mit einem grün, blau, gelben Dreieck
Schriftzug Mitteldeutsches Klimabüro mit einem grün, blau, gelben Dreieck

The Climate Office for Central Germany at the Leipzig Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) offers information on the effects of climate change on the environment, land use, and society as well as on adaptation strategies.

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Schriftzug Norddeutsches Klimabüro
Schriftzug Norddeutsches Klimabüro

The North German Climate Office at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research focuses on the research fields storms, storm surges, and swells, as well as the coastal climate in Northern Germany.

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Schriftzug Süddeutsches Klimabüro
Schriftzug Süddeutsches Klimabüro

The Southern German Climate Office at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) offers expertise in regional climate modeling and extreme events such as heavy precipitation and flooding.

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