Algen auf dem Meeresboden

Ensuring responsible research on ocean-based CO2 removal

Attention to ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods is growing fast. While many questions, including environmental and social risks, still need to be assessed, research on ocean-based CDR should be conducted in a safe and responsible way, says David Keller, senior scientist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.

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Faru mit Fahrrad vor Bahn

Why we don’t have to completely do without our cars

In order to meet Germany’s greenhouse gas reduction targets, we need to change our mobility habits radically. But that doesn’t mean we have to completely do without cars. Why so many people still find that difficult – and how alternatives can become more attractive.

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Eine Person läuft mit einem Netz durch eine hoch blühende Wiese.

The role of biodiversity in climate protection – and vice versa

Countless species of microorganisms, plants, and animals create a unique biodiversity on our planet. They also play a key role in ensuring a stable climate and the functioning of vital natural cycles. Increasing levels of greenhouse gas emissions are causing major changes in ecosystems and biodiversity. How can climate protection and nature conservation be thought of as two sides of the same coin?

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Ein brauner Seggenrohrsänger (Vogel) sitzt auf langen Gräsern

Climate facts: Why we need peatlands

Peatlands store large amounts of carbon and thus keep greenhouse gases out of the air – if they aren’t drained as they have been in Germany. But the draining can be reversed by rewetting the peatlands and using them differently. It’s as big a challenge as phasing out coal, experts say. But it’s worth the effort, as our new fact sheet shows.

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Stadt in rotes Licht getaucht

Today's weather in a tomorrow's world

In 2021, record temperatures of nearly 50 degrees were reached in Canada. Asia and Europe saw extraordinary rainfall and deadly floods. Parts of Africa and South America experienced droughts. In light of climate change, the question is: How extreme will such extreme weather events be in the future?

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Eine Person schneutzt sich die Nase, dahinter blüht ein Baum.

Climate and health

Climate change is a problem both for the environment and for human health. In a warmer world, heat, extreme weather events, allergies, and germs threaten to wreak havoc on our physical and mental well-being. The more we protect our climate and prepare for those consequences of climate change that are already unavoidable, the more we protect ourselves as well.

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Licht fällt in Wald

The evidence is clear: the time for action is now

The third part of the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report (AR 6), published on April 4, 2022, shows: We still have a chance to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. To do so, we need to halve our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. With immediate and deep changes, this is possible.

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Eine Zecke auf einem Blatt

Ticks and climate change: Is the risk of infections rising?

Take a stroll through the fields or forests and you run the risk of bringing some unwanted companions back home. As a consequence of climate change, ticks are becoming active earlier and staying active longer throughout the year. When a tick is infected with a virus or with bacteria such as borrelia, the encounter has the potential to become a very uncomfortable one. Learn more in our factsheet.

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The new Assessment Report of the IPCC (WG III)

In the new Working Group II contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report, climate scientists assess the current state of knowledge about mitigation options to climate change. Here you will find background information the Sixth Assessment Report, on the IPCC, and expert analyse.

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Further news from Helmholtz


HySPRINT Photovoltaics Lab inaugurated

After around four years of renovation, photovoltaics research groups moved into their offices in Kekuléstraße on 20 June 2024. With the reopening, the building has also been given a new name that…
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Watching indium phosphide at work

Indium phosphide is a versatile semiconductor. The material can be used for solar cells, for hydrogen production and even for quantum computers – and with record-breaking efficiency. However, little…
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