
Technological Carbon Approaches

C02 injection plant
C02 injection plant
CO2 injection plant of the GFZ in Ketzin
picture alliance- Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert

Participating centers: HZDR, GFZ, HEREON, HZB, KIT

Contact: Uwe Hampel

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To achieve the net-zero goal, CO2 emissions must be reduced to the greatest extent possible and unavoidable emissions must be removed back from the atmosphere. Circular carbon approaches that convert CO2 into energy carriers can play an important role in this context.  

During the Phase I of the Helmholtz Climate Initiative, research focused on Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS), and feasible solutions for underground storage and reuse of CO2, as well as heat and cold storage. More on Phase I.

The second phase of the project will now continue with a focus on three topics: (i) direct electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to fuels and chemicals, (ii) hydrothermal CO2 mineralization, and (iii) options and potential for combining temporary underground CO2 storage with geothermal heat harvesting.

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