Climate change on a regional scale (REKLIM)

The earth is undergoing a profound change: the air temperature is rising, the oceans are warming up, glaciers, ice sheets and snow packs are decreasing more and more, and the global sea level is rising. All of these are signs of considerable global warming in recent decades. However, the effects of climate change can vary widely from region to region.

In order to investigate the regional climate, nine research centers of the Helmholtz Association (AWI, DLR, FZJ, GFZ, GEOMAR, Helmholtz Munich, HZG, KIT, UFZ) have joined together to form the Helmholtz Association "Regional Climate Change and People" (REKLIM).

Die Grafik zeigt schematisch, wie REKLIM vom globalen Klimawandel auf regionale Auswirkungen für die Gesellschaft kommt.
Die Grafik zeigt schematisch, wie REKLIM vom globalen Klimawandel auf regionale Auswirkungen für die Gesellschaft kommt.